New Borns 



 These pigs are not forsale at the moment.
As by request i have now started a newborn page and they will be taken from 2-3 weeks old for you all to see.
At 5 weeks old the ones that will be available will be placed on to my forsale page. But by all means enquire if interested via contact page thankyou.Then at 3 weeks old will reserve them for you.

 My Guinea pigs are mainly breed for me for my show stock.

Guinea Pigs with  HOLD next to them is for me, to grow on for potential show pigs or breeding stock. If i decide to sell i will have HOLD taken off,or will be put onto the forsale page.




Sorry not having the time to take pics of

 the newborns at  mo, so any that

become available will be put straight onto

my forsale page thankyou x