Essex Cavy Society 24.2.19
Jugde Janet Saynor
Sugar Top Mountain White and Gold 5/8 Teddy Sow
1st out of 5 Teddy Bi Ag Bi 5/8
1st out of 18 TEDDY CHALL AA
1st out of 21 NON SELF CHALL AV 5/8
3rd out of 50 NON SELF CHALL AV AA
2nd out of 44 BEST SOW AA
3rd out of 30 GRAND CHALL 5/8
Carlow Cinn Ag and White 5/8 Teddy Sow
3rd out of 5 teddy Bi Ag Bi 5/8
Limrick Teddy Tri Agouti 5/8 Sow
1st out of 4 Teddy tri Ag tri 5/8
Oak Island u5 Teddy sow
1st out of 3 Teddy Bi Ag Bi u5
2nd out of 18 TEDDY CHALL AA
1st out of 7 NON SELF CHALL AV u5
3rd out of 44 BEST SOW AA
1st out of 12 GRAND CHALL U5
Kent Cavy Club 31.3.19
Judge Peter Gammie
Sugar Top Mountain Adult Teddy sow
1st in class Bi Coloured AD
Limrick TRi AG AD Teddy sow
2nd out of 2 TRi Teddy AD
Carlow Ag BI 5.8 Teddy Sow
2nd out of 4 TEDDY ag bi/bi 5/8
Oak Island bi 5/8 teddy sow
3rd out of 4 teddy ag/bi 5/8
Aspen ag tri u5 teddy sow
2nd out of 3 teddy tri ag tri u5
Teddy CC
Judge Penny Bell
Sugar Top Mountain Ad Bi Teddy Sow
1st in class Bi colour Ted Ad S
1st out of 5 Bi Ag BI AA
1st out of 6 CHALL BI Ag BI AA
2nd out of 10 best sow AA
2nd ou of 21 RESERVE BIS
Limrick Tri ag AD Teddy sow
1st out of 2 Tri Ag TRI AA
2nd out of 7 CHALL tri Ag TRI AA
Carlow Bi Ag 5.8 teddy sow
2nd out of 3 BI Ag Bi 5/8 sow
Epsom Cavy Show 28.4.19
Judge Barbara Glue
Sugar Top Mountain Ad Gold White Teddy
2nd out of 4 Teddy Bi Ad
2nd out of 4 CHALL Teddy AD B/S
Carlow Cinn Ag White Teddy 5/8
3rd out of 4 Teddy Ag/mix 5/8
3rd out of 5 CHALL teddy 5/8 B/S
Judge Ian Reynolds
Ellie-May u5 Swiss
1st in class Swiss u5
1st out of 7 CHALL G/S u5
1st out of 14 G/S CHALL AV AA
Best G/S Overall
Tendering 100 Show 13.7.19
Judge Derek Pike
SugarTop Mountain Ad Teddy Sow
2nd out of 5 Ad Teddy Sows
Aspen Ag Tri Teddy Ad Sow
3rd out of 5 teddy Ad Sow
TEDDY 5/8 sow
2nd out of 4 5/8 Sow
U5 Swiss Sow
1st out of 4 G/S
1st of of 6 G/S AA
Real london side
Judge J Fort
SugerTop Mountain Ad Teddy Bi Sow
1st out of 2 Teddy bi Ad
Aspen Teddy Ag tri Sow
1st out of 8 Teddy tri /ag Tri
Judge Peter Wright From Australia
Barbados Tort and White Teddy Boar 5/8
1st out of 9 Tri/Ag Tri B/S
2nd out of 63 CHALL COATED 5/8
Judge K Dudding
Winnipeg Tort and White Teddy u5 Sow
1st out of 7 Teddy Tri/Ag Tri u5
Teddy CC
Judge Ian Reynolds
SugerTop Mountain Ad Bi Teddy Sow
1st out of 2 Bi Teddy AD Sow
1st out of 9 Bi AA Sow
1st out of 13 bi AA B/S
1st out of 29 BEST SOW AA
1st out of 55 AA B/S BEST IN SHOW
Aspen Ag tri AD Sow
3rd out of 5 Tr Ag AD sow
Barbados tort and White Teddy 5/8 Boar
1st out of 4 TRI 5/8 Boar
1st out of 10 Tri AA Boar
2nd out of 24 Tri B/S AA
2nd out of 26 RESERVE BEST BOAR
Winnipeg tort and white u5 Sow
1st out of 4 Tri u5 Sow
2nd out of 14 tri AA sow
3rd out of 24 tri B/S AA
Essex Cavy Society 29.9.19
Judge G Godfrey
Sugarloaf Mountain Ad Teddy Sow
1st out of 3 teddy bi AD
1st out of 23 TEDDY CHALL AA
2nd out of 21 NON SELF CHALL AV AD
2nd out of 25 GRAND CHALL AD
Aspen ag tri AD Teddy Sow
1st out of 4 teddy tri/ag AD
3rd out of 23 TEDDY CHALL AA
Barbados tri Teddy Boar 5/8
1st out of 2 teddy tri 5/8
3rd out of 23 non self chall AV 5/8
Winnipeg tri Teddy u5 Sow
1st out of 5 tri teddy u5
2nd out of 23 TEDDY CHALL AA
2nd out of 17 NON SELF CHALL AV u5
2nd out of 23 GRAND CHALL u5
Judge Julie Gallagher
Jasmin Ad Swiss Sow
1 in class swiss Ad
1st out of 2 G/S CHALL AD
1st out of 17 G/S CHALL AA